Robert Morrison

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I quite often replay the original Tomb Raider around Christmas time, but I really associate it with the new year. Anyway this year I was looking up some of the secrets I’ve never found, and discovered a bug(?) in the PAL version: the third secret in The Cistern is inaccessible!

Screenshot of PAL version of Tomb Raider, the Cistern level. Lara Croft is standing on a stone balcony looking at a disguised moveable block that’s hiding a secret area. The texture of the block is slightly different to the surrounding walls.Screenshot of PAL version of Tomb Raider, the Cistern level. Lara Croft has moved the disguised moveable block but there’s a wall behind it blocking access to the secret area.Screenshot of NTSC version of Tomb Raider, the Cistern level. Lara Croft is standing on a stone balcony looking at a disguised moveable block that’s hiding a secret area. Unlike the PAL version the texture of the block is the same as the surrounding walls so it’s harder to find. (Note the screen borders as this is running on my 50Hz PAL Saturn!)Screenshot of NTSC version of Tomb Raider, the Cistern level. Lara Croft has moved the disguised moveable block revealing the secret area behind.