I’ve removed, tested, replaced or bodged almost everything and it’s still not working! Time to give up, or start saving for an expensive oscilloscope… #eBay #fixerupperopportunity #zxspectrum #repair

A mostly disassembled ZX Spectrum

Last night’s re-cap seems to have been a success. The -5v line in particular was really noisy, but now the voltages (-5,+5 and +12) all seem to be nice and stable. Bad news: that means something else must still be wrong! (Yeah I’m lookin’ at you, IC3!!) #zxspectrum #repair

ZX Spectrum circuit board showing two new electrolytic capacitors

Uh oh! #zxspectrum #repair

Jetpack Jock by @_gazmarshall is so super hardcore difficult* you really ought to set your Cruiser to Tension Level Two: extra tight. (No one has ever used Level Three). Now to just get past level two of the game!

  • easy mode now also available!
garish green pink yellow and blue Cruiser joystick set to "II"

Making some progress! This will be much faster in machine code (and probably easier to traverse the display file with bitwise operations) but in the meantime I’m enjoying using Looking Glass for working in BASIC. #zxspectrum #alphacom32

Thermal printer with several print-outs of BASIC program listings and corrupted graphics.

Tonight I’m trying to stuff the display file into the print buffer 32 bytes at a time, in the right order. (Why? Mostly because I want to print screenshots and the COPY command misses the bottom two rows.) But! I’ve upset the tokeniser! #zxspectrum

ZX Spectrum screenshot showing BASIC code listing

I am on my holidays. #retro #zxspectrum

Bottle: Drygate Gladeye Retro IPA; Books: Z80 Machine Code for Humans, and The Complete Spectrum ROM Disassembly

Aye, but does your gaming rig support hi-definition graphics and stereo sound? #zxspectrum 🌈 👾

ZX Spectrum 48K with ZX-HD, ZX-AY, and DivMMC FutureWH Smith computer program data recorder CPD8300ZX-AY by Ben Versteeg of bytedelight.com

Postie has been. Time to print all the things! (No, it’s not bog-roll, it’s till-roll!) 🧻 🦖 🌈

cardboard box full of till rolls and a plastic dinosaur toyZX Spectrum and printer, with various print-outs

Restoring some eBay junk this evening. What a beauty though. #hench #badlad #whsmith #cpd8300

disassembled cassette playerbadly corroded magnetic tape read/write headWH Smith CPD8300 computer program data recorder

I’ve had a new power converter sent over from Tosche Station. Now my toastrack is much cooler. #ZXSpectrum

Five volt power regulator

👀 DualShock 4 paired to a @RetroBitGaming MegaDrive Bluetooth receiver, hooked up to a @futurewas8bit DivMMC Future (acting as a Kempston joystick interface) with a Raspberry Pi (to provide the missing +5v that a MegaDrive would supply) 🕹 #ZxSpectrum #Small #Faraway

ZX Spectrum joustick test programSony PlayStation Dualshock 4 being used to play Bionic Commando

Really good interview on the latest @TheDCJunkyard podcast—Stefan Holmqvist, who was producer on the (amazing, and ahead of its time) Dreamcast game Headhunter, talks about working with Sega to produce the game and the drama along the way. pca.st

The old tape recorder was making awful crackling noises so (after ruling out PKE interference) I cleaned out the badly oxidized volume/tone sliders and audio sockets. And fixed about half a dozen bad solder joints. And now…it works again! #WhoYouGonnaCall? #ZXSpectrum 👻

exposed electronic components of a cassette recorderZX Spectrum, Dixons cassette recorder, Ghostbusters 1984 video game

🧔🏼 Rraa-ta-taa! 🤜🔥


When yon AMSTRAD BBS gets a bit existential 🤔. Are any of us really here?! 👾

Beep beep beep, doot doot de doot! It’s actually working now. #zxspectrum #rs232 #raspberrypi

ZX Spectrum 128 ("Toast Rack") connected to a Raspberry Pi 3 via RS232/USB

Added a stereo-to-mono hack to my audio-out mod. It’s how MacGyver loaded up Bad Dudes vs. DRAGONNINJA back in the day. What can you not do with a patch wire, a crocodile clip and some BluTac?

Fisher-Price cassette recorded connected to a ZX Spectrum 128K using an improvised connecting wire.

¡patatas bravas! 🥵 🌶 😋

Oh no!! What have I done?! #Skynet #ZXSpectrum 🤖 🌈

Upgrade time! Needed an external cassette player for my ZX Spectrum (the inbuilt one can be fussy with older tapes, especially cheapo magazine covertapes) so I made a quick audio-out mod to my trusty Fisher-Price. 🎵 👾

Classic Fisher-Price™ children's cassette recorder repurposed as a data tape loader for ZX Spectrum

D’awww! Look how cute it is! #C64 😻

Commodore 64 with SD2IEC+ attachedSD2IEC+ disk drive emulator

Tha dongle ùr agam! ’S e SD2IEC+ airson Commodore 64 a th’ann, bho @futurewas8bit

Commodore 64

Well as it’s Thursday night I’d usually be out at the discotheque cutting rug and throwing shapes; but on this particular Thursday I’ve been putting together a Z80 development toolchain