@doginatank.bsky.social Brings a whole new meaning to "double jewels". Lets hope the sprocket holes will be positioned just-so to save our blushes.

@der-kleine-drache.bsky.social I think for MFM the flux transitions are continuous around the track, but there are “gap bytes” and “sync bytes” that are there to allow for timing variations among different drives.

@markfixesstuff.com Aye, and paging 32K chunks feels awkward, but u get used to it! External RAM is not contended, that’s quite interesting, internal depends on the screen mode. “Speccy” Mode 1 is slowest, full colour mode 4 is still a lot of data to move around. Mode 2 (similar to Next Layer 1,3) is a good compromise.

@der-kleine-drache.bsky.social Ah, no I don’t think so. Come to think of it I usually just export it to eDSK image and let the emulator figure it out! You could probably make a guess based on sectors per track though? 9 for ST and PC, 10 for CPM or general Shugart systems, 11 for Amiga (22 for HD disks), etc etc.

@c64reloaded.bsky.social Well, actually…! It can be done on +3/+2A (see part 6). Just not in exactly the same way.

@der-kleine-drache.bsky.social HxC Floppy software is good at decoding the raw flux data and exporting to a suitable image format. (And those disk visualisations!) I tend to use samdisk though, which works with the (SAM, Spectrum) formats I generally need. I think there are GUI greaseweazle tools too?

@markfixesstuff.com It’s such a charming system to work with. Its compatibility with the Spectrum was perhaps overstated but you can see the DNA running through. If you used Beta BASIC and a DISCiPLE or Plus D then you can see that SAM is a refinement of Andy and Bruce’s work.

@fuzzweed.co.uk Tis the season! 🥚🍫

@fuzzweed.co.uk If you’re not also using half an Easter egg as the bowl I don’t even want to hear about it. 🍫 🍫 🍫 🍫 🍫 😅

@mattround.com In Scots it has a slightly different / more specific meaning: flirting, “going out on the pull” etc. My gran would use the word but it‘s been a very long time since she accused me of “gallivanting wi lassies” so I've not really heard it for a while! But a good word in both senses I reckon.

@jamhamster.bsky.social A cool thing you can do with it is drive two displays at the same time (one shows the normal screen while the other shows the shadow screen). Have you tried it?


@fuzzweed.co.uk Haha, snap!

@fuzzweed.co.uk Ah, cool. I think if you ALIGN the table you could get away without DE etc and effectively “add a to hl” by doing LD L,A

@fuzzweed.co.uk Ah, I’ve never programmed the SID, is that 7 for each voice and 3 for filter? Could you use a lookup table instead of doing x7 ?

@fuzzweed.co.uk You might need to clear the carry flag first so it's not rolled into your result? An OR A would do that, adding +4t

@fuzzweed.co.uk Aha, I remember this one. It's Brodick Castle.

@samcoupe.com I’d like to see that. A scan would be useful. The version generally circulated online is littered with OCR errors, but even still it’s tremendously useful!

@onlyretrofans.com It’s the most important part!

@onlyretrofans.com Nice one! I normally run it under Wine but it's a bit janky.

@fuzzweed.co.uk Yeeeeeeah! 💪 🎵

@fuzzweed.co.uk Ooooooh!

@sloanysoft.itch.io Happy birthday Davey! I don’t have a free McGuffin for you but I’m happy to share this IFTTT recipe. (I’ve had it running since about 2014!)

@squidgybuffalo.bsky.social Nice one, thanks. I can tell you enjoyed it! (Hyupp hyupp hyupp!) Maybe I’ll give it another go. I’m curious to check out the new Platinum one either way.

@fuzzweed.co.uk Haha, so do the other six.

@fuzzweed.co.uk 7 out of 10 despots agree: if your tachyon death cannon isn’t also banging out SID choons, you’re doing it wrong.